Animating The Book of The Law

After flipping all the pages of Liber AL to see what they looked like, the next stage was to animate them. I have uploaded a few short clips to Youtube:

For a better viewing experience you will need the following (for windows):

AviSynth - a program that allows you to make a "virtual" video file using a script which you can then open in a media player.

Media Player Classic - a media player that can play these scripts

The Liber AL images - I have shrunk them down to 1080p so they should play nice and smoothly.!EKxwnS4C!ORcd2mYmVd1ExToXD6-k4w

After installing AviSynth and MPC, download one of the arrangements and unzip it to a folder. Then make a new text document in the same folder. Copy and paste the following into it:

clip=imagesource("%02d.png", start = 1, end = 65, fps = 10).loop(1000)
return clip

Save it and change the file extension to .avs
Now you can play that file in MPC as if it was a normal video file. This will play the 65 pages at 10 frames per second and loop it 1000 times. You can adjust the fps and loop setting to what you like but of course be careful if you have a problem with flashing images.

For example if you wanted to just play Nuit's chpater at 24 fps and loop it 1560 times you would do:

clip=imagesource("%02d.png", start = 1, end = 22, fps = 24).loop(1560)
return clip

So, what is the point of all this? Well, you can try to commune with Aiwass and absorb the book "supra-rationally" through the "chance shape of the letters and their position to one another". Or you could just leave it playing in the background as a sort Thelemic equivalent of the Buddhist prayer wheel.
